Program Listing for File mathopt.cpp
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#include "mathopt/mathopt.h"
unsigned int MathOpt::convexHull(const std::vector<arma::sp_mat *> *Ai,
const std::vector<arma::vec *> * bi,
arma::sp_mat & A,
arma::vec & b,
const arma::sp_mat & Acom,
const arma::vec & bcom) {
// Count number of polyhedra and the space we are in!
const unsigned int nPoly{static_cast<unsigned int>(Ai->size())};
// Error check
ZEROAssert(nPoly > 0);
// consider
const unsigned int nC{static_cast<unsigned int>(Ai->front()->n_cols)};
const unsigned int nComm{static_cast<unsigned int>(Acom.n_rows)};
ZEROAssert(!(nComm > 0 && Acom.n_cols != nC));
ZEROAssert(!(nComm > 0 && nComm != bcom.n_rows));
ZEROAssert(nPoly == bi->size());
// Count the number of variables in the convex hull.
unsigned int nFinCons{0}, nFinVar{0};
for (unsigned int i = 0; i != nPoly; i++) {
ZEROAssert(Ai->at(i)->n_cols == nC);
ZEROAssert(Ai->at(i)->n_rows == bi->at(i)->n_rows);
nFinCons += Ai->at(i)->n_rows;
// For common constraint copy
nFinCons += nPoly * nComm;
const unsigned int FirstCons = nFinCons;
// 2nd constraint in Eqn 4.31 of Conforti et al. - twice so we have 2 ineq instead of
// 1 eq constr
nFinCons += nC * 2;
// 3rd constr in Eqn 4.31. Again as two ineq constr.
nFinCons += 2;
// Common constraints
// nFinCons += Acom.n_rows;
nFinVar = nPoly * nC + nPoly + nC; // All x^i variables + delta variables+ original x variables
A.zeros(nFinCons, nFinVar);
// A.zeros(nFinCons, nFinVar); b.zeros(nFinCons);
// Implements the first constraint more efficiently using better constructors
// for sparse matrix
MathOpt::compConvSize(A, nFinCons, nFinVar, Ai, bi, Acom, bcom);
bool printEvery = true;
if (nPoly > 10)
printEvery = false;
// Counting rows completed
/****************** SLOW LOOP BEWARE *******************/
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nPoly; i++) {
if (printEvery || i % 10 == 0)
LOG_S(3) << "MathOpt::convexHull: Handling Polyhedron " << i + 1 << " out of " << nPoly;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nC; j++) { + 2 * j, nC + (i * nC) + j) = 1; + 2 * j + 1, nC + (i * nC) + j) = -1;
// Third constraint in (4.31) + nC * 2, nC + nPoly * nC + i) = 1; + nC * 2 + 1, nC + nPoly * nC + i) = -1;
/****************** SLOW LOOP BEWARE *******************/
// Second Constraint RHS
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nC; j++) { + 2 * j, j) = -1; + 2 * j + 1, j) = 1;
// Third Constraint RHS + nC * 2) = 1; + nC * 2 + 1) = -1;
LOG_S(1) << "MathOpt::convexHull: Done";
return nPoly;
void MathOpt::compConvSize(arma::sp_mat & A,
const unsigned int nFinCons,
const unsigned int nFinVar,
const std::vector<arma::sp_mat *> *Ai,
const std::vector<arma::vec *> * bi,
const arma::sp_mat & Acom,
const arma::vec & bcom) {
const unsigned int nPoly{static_cast<unsigned int>(Ai->size())};
const unsigned int nC{static_cast<unsigned int>(Ai->front()->n_cols)};
unsigned int N{0}; // Total number of nonzero elements in the final matrix
const unsigned int numCommon{static_cast<unsigned int>(Acom.n_nonzero + bcom.n_rows)};
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nPoly; i++) {
N += Ai->at(i)->n_nonzero;
N += bi->at(i)->n_rows;
N += numCommon * nPoly; // The common constraints have to be copied for each polyhedron.
// Now computed N which is the total number of nonzeros.
arma::umat locations; // location of nonzeros
arma::vec val; // nonzero values
locations.zeros(2, N);
unsigned int count{0}, rowCount{0}, colCount{nC};
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nPoly; i++) {
for (auto it = Ai->at(i)->begin(); it != Ai->at(i)->end(); ++it) // First constraint
locations(0, count) = rowCount + it.row();
locations(1, count) = colCount + it.col();
val(count) = *it;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < bi->at(i)->n_rows; ++j) // RHS of first constraint
locations(0, count) = rowCount + j;
locations(1, count) = nC + nC * nPoly + i;
val(count) = -bi->at(i)->at(j);
rowCount += Ai->at(i)->n_rows;
// For common constraints
for (auto it = Acom.begin(); it != Acom.end(); ++it) // First constraint
locations(0, count) = rowCount + it.row();
locations(1, count) = colCount + it.col();
val(count) = *it;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < bcom.n_rows; ++j) // RHS of first constraint
locations(0, count) = rowCount + j;
locations(1, count) = nC + nC * nPoly + i;
val(count) =;
rowCount += Acom.n_rows;
colCount += nC;
A = arma::sp_mat(locations, val, nFinCons, nFinVar);
void MathOpt::getDualMembershipLP(std::unique_ptr<GRBModel> &convexModel,
unsigned int & numV,
const arma::sp_mat & V,
unsigned int & numR,
const arma::sp_mat & R,
const arma::vec & vertex,
bool containsOrigin) {
ZEROAssert(!(V.n_rows < 1 && R.n_rows < 1));
ZEROAssert(V.n_cols == vertex.size());
if (numV == 0 && numR == 0) {
// Initialize the model
GRBVar alpha[V.n_cols];
GRBVar a[V.n_cols + 1];
GRBVar beta;
GRBLinExpr expr = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertex.size(); i++) {
alpha[i] = convexModel->addVar(
-GRB_INFINITY, GRB_INFINITY, 0, GRB_CONTINUOUS, "alpha_" + std::to_string(i));
a[i] = convexModel->addVar(
0, GRB_INFINITY, 0, GRB_CONTINUOUS, "abs(alpha_" + std::to_string(i) + ")");
// Abs: a[i] = abs(alpha[i])
convexModel->addConstr(a[i], GRB_GREATER_EQUAL, alpha[i], "Abs_1_alpha_" + std::to_string(i));
a[i], GRB_GREATER_EQUAL, -alpha[i], "Abs_2_alpha_" + std::to_string(i));
expr += a[i];
beta = convexModel->addVar(-GRB_INFINITY, GRB_INFINITY, 0, GRB_CONTINUOUS, "beta");
a[V.n_cols] = convexModel->addVar(0, GRB_INFINITY, 0, GRB_CONTINUOUS, "abs(beta)");
convexModel->addConstr(a[V.n_cols], GRB_GREATER_EQUAL, beta, "Abs_1_beta");
convexModel->addConstr(a[V.n_cols], GRB_GREATER_EQUAL, -beta, "Abs_2_beta");
// Never had a ray to the normalization!
// expr += a[V.n_cols];
// Normalization, to be filled later
// convexModel->addConstr(0, GRB_LESS_EQUAL, 1, "Normalization");
// Absolute normalization
convexModel->addConstr(expr, GRB_EQUAL, 1, "Normalization_Abs");
if (containsOrigin)
convexModel->addConstr(beta, GRB_GREATER_EQUAL, 0, "V_Origin");
// Hyperplanes for vertices
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < V.n_rows; i++) {
expr = -beta;
for (auto j = V.begin_row(i); j != V.end_row(i); ++j)
expr += (*j) * alpha[j.col()];
convexModel->addConstr(expr, GRB_LESS_EQUAL, 0, "V_" + std::to_string(i));
numV = V.n_rows;
// Without beta-term for vertices
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < R.n_rows; i++) {
expr = 0;
for (auto j = R.begin_row(i); j != R.end_row(i); ++j)
expr += (*j) * alpha[j.col()];
convexModel->addConstr(expr, GRB_LESS_EQUAL, 0, "R_" + std::to_string(i));
numR = R.n_rows;
// For the eventual Farkas' proof of infeasibility
convexModel->set(GRB_IntParam_InfUnbdInfo, 1);
convexModel->set(GRB_IntParam_DualReductions, 0);
convexModel->set(GRB_IntParam_OutputFlag, 0);
convexModel->set(GRB_IntParam_SolutionLimit, 1);
LOG_S(2) << "MathOpt::getDualMembershipLP: created model";
} else {
// current number of vertices in the model
if (numV < V.n_rows) {
// Then, we need to update the model by adding new constraints
GRBLinExpr expr = 0;
GRBVar beta = convexModel->getVarByName("beta");
for (unsigned int i = numV; i < V.n_rows; i++) {
expr = -beta;
for (auto j = V.begin_row(i); j != V.end_row(i); ++j)
expr += (*j) * convexModel->getVarByName("alpha_" + std::to_string(j.col()));
convexModel->addConstr(expr, GRB_LESS_EQUAL, 0, "V_" + std::to_string(i));
numV = V.n_rows;
// current number of rays in the model
if (numR < R.n_rows) {
// Then, we need to update the model by adding new constraints
GRBLinExpr expr = 0;
for (unsigned int i = numR; i < R.n_rows; i++) {
expr = 0;
for (auto j = R.begin_row(i); j != R.end_row(i); ++j)
expr += (*j) * convexModel->getVarByName("alpha_" + std::to_string(j.col()));
convexModel->addConstr(expr, GRB_LESS_EQUAL, 0, "R_" + std::to_string(i));
numR = R.n_rows;
LOG_S(3) << "MathOpt::getDualMembershipLP: updated model";
void MathOpt::getPrimalMembershipLP(std::unique_ptr<GRBModel> &convexModel,
unsigned int & numV,
const arma::sp_mat & V,
unsigned int & numR,
const arma::sp_mat & R,
const arma::vec & vertex,
bool containsOrigin) {
ZEROAssert(!(V.n_rows < 1 && R.n_rows < 1));
ZEROAssert(V.n_cols == vertex.size());
if (numV == 0 && numR == 0) {
// Initialize the model
GRBVar lambda[V.n_rows], mu[R.n_rows], s, w[vertex.size()];
GRBLinExpr expr = 0;
// Convex multipliers
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < V.n_rows; i++)
lambda[i] =
convexModel->addVar(0, GRB_INFINITY, 0, GRB_CONTINUOUS, "lambda_" + std::to_string(i));
// Conic multipliers
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < R.n_rows; i++)
mu[i] = convexModel->addVar(0, GRB_INFINITY, 0, GRB_CONTINUOUS, "mu_" + std::to_string(i));
// Normalization 1
s = convexModel->addVar(-GRB_INFINITY, GRB_INFINITY, 0, GRB_CONTINUOUS, "s");
// Normalization 2
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertex.size(); i++)
w[i] = convexModel->addVar(-1, 1, 0, GRB_CONTINUOUS, "w_" + std::to_string(i));
convexModel->setObjective(GRBLinExpr{s}, GRB_MAXIMIZE);
// For any dimension of the input point
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertex.size(); i++) {
expr = w[i] + s *; // Reset the expression to s(x*[i]) + w[i]
// Add term for each vertex
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < V.n_rows; ++j) {
GRBVar vars[] = {lambda[j]};
// Remember the minus
double coeff[] = {, i)};
expr.addTerms(coeff, vars, 1);
// Add term for each ray
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < R.n_rows; ++j) {
GRBVar vars[] = {mu[j]};
// Remember the minus
double coeff[] = {, i)};
expr.addTerms(coeff, vars, 1);
convexModel->addConstr(expr, GRB_EQUAL, 0, "PR_Combination_" + std::to_string(i));
// Convex Combination
expr = -s;
double coeff[V.n_rows];
for (auto &el : coeff)
el = 1;
expr.addTerms(coeff, lambda, V.n_rows);
convexModel->addConstr(expr, GRB_EQUAL, 0, "Convex_Combination");
// Update the working sizes
numV = V.n_rows;
numR = R.n_rows;
// For the eventual Farkas' proof of infeasibility
convexModel->set(GRB_IntParam_InfUnbdInfo, 1);
convexModel->set(GRB_IntParam_DualReductions, 0);
convexModel->set(GRB_IntParam_OutputFlag, 0);
convexModel->set(GRB_IntParam_SolutionLimit, 1);
LOG_S(2) << "MathOpt::getPrimalMembershipLP: created model";
} else {
// Get the constraints for the point-ray combination
std::vector<GRBConstr> PR_Combs;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertex.size(); ++i)
PR_Combs.push_back(convexModel->getConstrByName("PR_Combination_" + std::to_string(i)));
// Get the s var
GRBVar s = convexModel->getVarByName("s");
std::vector<GRBVar> ss(vertex.size(), s);
if (numV < V.n_rows) {
// Then, we need to update the model by adding terms to PR_Combination and Convex_Combination
// Add the convex combination for points
std::vector<GRBConstr> Constrs = PR_Combs;
double coeff[vertex.size() + 1];
// Last coefficient is for the convex combination
coeff[vertex.size()] = 1;
for (unsigned int i = numV; i < V.n_rows; i++) {
// Change the Coefficient wrt to the point
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < vertex.size(); ++j)
coeff[j] =, j);
vertex.size() + 1,
"lambda_" + std::to_string(i));
// Update the working size of the vertices
numV = V.n_rows;
// current number of rays in the model
if (numR < R.n_rows) {
// Then, we need to update the model by adding new constraints
double coeff[vertex.size()];
// coefficients in the point-ray combination
for (unsigned int i = numR; i < R.n_rows; i++) {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < vertex.size(); ++j)
coeff[j] =, j);
0, GRB_INFINITY, 0, GRB_CONTINUOUS, 1, &PR_Combs[0], coeff, "mu_" + std::to_string(i));
// Update the working size of the rays
numR = R.n_rows;
convexModel->chgCoeffs(&PR_Combs[0], &ss[0], &vertex[0], static_cast<int>(vertex.size()));
LOG_S(3) << "MathOpt::getPrimalMembershipLP: updated model";
LOG_S(3) << "MathOpt::getPrimalMembershipLP: ready.";