Class NashGame
Defined in File nash.h
Class Documentation
class NashGame
Class to model Nash-cournot games with each player playing a QP.
Stores a vector of QPs with each player’s optimization problem. Potentially common (leader) constraints can be stored too.
Helpful in rewriting the Nash-Cournot game as an LCP Helpful in rewriting leader constraints after incorporating dual variables etc
This has public fields which if accessed and changed can cause undefined behavior!
Public Functions
inline explicit NashGame(GRBEnv *e) noexcept
To be used only when NashGame is being loaded from a file.
Constructing a NashGame from a set of MathOpt::MP_Param, Market clearing constraints.
Construct a NashGame by giving a std::vector of pointers to MP_Param, defining each player’s game A set of Market clearing constraints and its RHS And if there are leader variables, the number of leader vars.
Have a std::vector of pointers to MathOpt::MP_Param ready such that the variables are separated in \(x^{i}\) and \(x^{-i}\) format.
In the correct ordering of variables, have the Market clearing equations ready.
Now call this constructor. It will allocate appropriate space for the dual variables for each player.
- Parameters
e – A pointer to the Gurobi Environment
players – The MathOpt::MP_Param associated to the players
MC – Market clearing LHS matrix
MCRHS – Market clearing RHS vector
nLeadVar – Number of leaders’ variables
leadA – Leaders’ constraints
leadRHS – Leaders’ RHSs
~NashGame() = default
Default destructor.
inline unsigned int getNprimals() const
Read-only access to the number of of primal variables.
inline unsigned int getNumShadow() const
Read-only access to the number of Market clearing Shadow prices, equal to the number of Market clearing constraints.
inline unsigned int getNumLeaderVars() const
Read-only access to the number of the leader variables in the problem.
inline unsigned int getNumDualVars() const
Read-only access to the number of dual variables and that is indeed the sum of the number dual variables for each player.
inline unsigned int getPrimalLoc(unsigned int i = 0) const
Read-only access to the primal variable of i th player.
inline unsigned int getMCDualLoc() const
Read-only access to the Market-clearing dual variables start position.
inline unsigned int getLeaderLoc() const
Read-only access to the leaders’ variables start position.
inline unsigned int getDualLoc(unsigned int i = 0) const
Read-only access to the dual variables start position.
const NashGame &formulateLCP(arma::sp_mat &M, arma::vec &q, perps &Compl, VariableBounds &Bounds, bool writeToFile = false, const std::string &M_name = "dat/LCP.txt", const std::string &q_name = "dat/q.txt") const
Formulates the LCP corresponding to the Nash game. Computes the KKT conditions for each Player, calling MP_Param::KKT. Arranges them systematically to return M, q as an LCP \(0\leq q \perp Mx+q \geq 0 \). The way the variables of the players get distributed is shown in the image below.
Does not return the leader constraints. Use NashGame::rewriteLeadCons() to handle them
- Parameters
M – The output matrix M
q – The output vector q
Compl – The output complementarities pairings
OutBounds – The output Bounds on variables
writeToFile – If true, writes M and q to file.k
M_name – Filename for M
q_name – Filename for Q
- Returns
arma::sp_mat rewriteLeadCons() const
Rewrites leader constraint adjusting for dual variables. Rewrites leader constraints given earlier with added empty columns and spaces corresponding to Market clearing duals and other equation duals. This becomes important if the Lower level complementarity problem is passed to LCP with upper level constraints.
- Returns
The matrix with the leader constraints
inline arma::vec getLeadRHS() const
Gets the RHS of the Leader Constraints.
- Returns
THe LeaderConstraintsRHS object
inline arma::vec getMCLeadRHS() const
Gets the RHS of the Market Clearing Constraints plus the leader ones.
- Returns
THe queried object
std::unique_ptr<GRBModel> respond(unsigned int player, const arma::vec &x, bool fullvec = true) const
Given the decision of other players, find the optimal response for player in position
. Given the strategy of each player, returns a Gurobi Model that has the optimal strategy of the player at positionplayer
.- Parameters
player – The player id
x – A std::vector of pure strategies (either for all players or all other players)
fullvec – True if
contains the strategy for all players
- Returns
double respondSol(arma::vec &sol, unsigned int player, const arma::vec &x, bool fullvec = true) const
Returns the optimal objective value that is obtainable for the player
given the decisionx
of all other players. Calls Game::NashGame::respond and obtains the std::unique_ptr to GRBModel of best response by playerplayer
. Then solves the model and returns the appropriate objective value.- Parameters
sol – Output optimal response
player – The input player’s id
x – A std::vector of pure strategies (either for all players or all other players)
fullvec – True if
contains the strategy for all players
- Returns
The optimal objective value for the player
arma::vec computeQPObjectiveValues(const arma::vec &x, bool checkFeas = false) const
Computes players’ objective. Computes the objective value of each player in the Game::NashGame object.
- Returns
An arma::vec with the objective values.
bool isSolved(const arma::vec &sol, unsigned int &violPlayer, arma::vec &violSol, double tol = 1e-4) const
Checks if the Nash game is solved.
Checks if the Nash game is solved, if not provides a proof of deviation
- Parameters
sol – The std::vector of pure strategies for the Nash Game
violPlayer – Output index of the player with profitable deviation
violSol – The output pure strategy for that player - which gives a profitable deviation
tol – The deviation tolerance
NashGame &addDummy(unsigned int par = 0, int position = -1)
Add dummy variables (parameters) in a NashGame object. These are just zero columns that don’t feature in the problem anywhere. They are of importance only where the NashGame gets converted into an LCP and gets parametrized. Typically, they appear in the upper level objective in such a case.
- Parameters
par – Number of parameters
position – Position of the parameters
- Returns
NashGame &addLeadCons(const arma::vec &a, double b)
Adds Leader constraint to a NashGame object. In case common constraint to all followers is to be added (like a leader constraint in an MPEC), this function can be used. It adds a single constraint \( a^Tx \leq b\).
- Parameters
a – The constraint LHS
b – The constraint RHS
- Returns
A pointer to this
void write(const std::string &filename, bool append = true, bool KKT = false) const
Writes the Nash Game sum up to a file.
- Parameters
filename – The filename
append – Should the method append to the file?
KKT – True if the KKT needs to be included
void save(const std::string &filename, bool erase = true) const
Saves the
object in a loadable file.
long int load(const std::string &filename, long int pos = 0)
Loads the
object stored in a file.Loads the
object stored in a file. Before calling this function, use the constructor NashGame::NashGame(GRBEnv *Env) to initialize. Loads theNashGame
object stored in a file. Before calling this function, use the constructor NashGame::NashGame(GRBEnv *Env) to initialize.Example usage:
int main() { GRBEnv Env; Game::NashGame N(&Env); N.load("./dat/Ndata.dat"); std::cout<<N<<'\n'; return 0; }
- Parameters
filename – The filename
pos – The start writing position
- Returns
The end position
Private Functions
void setPositions()
Stores the position of each players’ primal and dual variables. Also allocates Leader’s position appropriately. The ordering is according to the columns of the following image.
Private Members
GRBEnv *Env = nullptr
A pointer to the Gurobi Environment.
arma::sp_mat LeaderConstraints
Upper level leader constraints LHS.
arma::vec LeaderConstraintsRHS
Upper level leader constraints RHS.
VariableBounds Bounds
BoundsX on primal variables.
arma::sp_mat MarketClearing
Market clearing constraints.
arma::vec MCRHS
RHS to the Market Clearing constraints.
std::vector<unsigned int> PrimalPosition
In the vector of variables of all players, which position does the variable corresponding to this player starts.
std::vector<unsigned int> DualPosition
In the vector of variables of all players, which position do the DUAL variable corresponding to this player starts.
unsigned int MC_DualPosition = {}
Manages the position of Market clearing constraints’ duals.
unsigned int LeaderPosition = {}
Manages the position of where the leader’s variables start.
unsigned int numLeaderVar
Manages the position of where the leader’s variables start. These many variables will not have a matching complementary equations.
inline explicit NashGame(GRBEnv *e) noexcept