Class PATH
Defined in File PathSolver.h
Nested Relationships
Nested Types
Class Documentation
class PATH
This class manages the external solver PATH, for mixed-complementarity problems.
Public Functions
PATH() = delete
PATH(const arma::sp_mat &M, const arma::vec &q, const perps &Compl, const VariableBounds &Bounds, arma::vec &z, arma::vec &x, double timeLimit, bool verbose)
Main public method to use the solver.
- Parameters
M – The matrix M in the LCP
q – The vector q in the LCP
Compl – Pairs of complementarities <Eqn, Var>
Bounds – Bounds on variables
z – Output vector of x
x – Output vector of z equation values
timeLimit – A double timelimit
verbose – True if verbosity is required
inline ZEROStatus getStatus() const
Read-only getter for the status.
Public Static Functions
static void *messageCB(void *dat, int mode, char *buf)
Message callback for path.
static void *mcp_typ(void *dat, int nnz, int *typ)
Presolving type for the variable. See PATH documentation for more.
- Parameters
dat – The data passed by the PATH callback. Usually, it is an instance of the class
nnz – Number of non-zeros in M
typ – The output vector for presolve
- Returns
Not used. An instance of this
static int jacobian_evaluation(void *dat, int n, double *x, int wantf, double *f, int *nnz, int *col_start, int *col_len, int *row, double *data)
Static wrapper for PATH::c_jacobian_evaluation. See PATH documentation for more.
- Parameters
dat – The data passed by the PATH callback. Usually, it is an instance of the class
n – Number of variables
x – Vector of variables for the lcp. Here we call them
wantf – True (positive) if the function value is needed
f – The output object for the function value
nnz – Number of non-zeros
col_start – Column start vector
col_len – Column length vector
row – Row vector
data – M_Data vector
- Returns
Unused. This is a callback function
static int function_evaluation(void *dat, int n, double *x, double *f)
Static wrapper for PATH::c_function_evaluation. See PATH documentation for more.
- Parameters
dat – The data passed by the PATH callback. Usually, it is an instance of the class
n – Number of variables
x – Vector of variables for the lcp. Here we call them
f – The output object for the function value
- Returns
Unused. This is a callback function
static void start(void *dat)
Starting function for PATH. This is called whenever the solver is initialized.
- Parameters
dat – The data passed by the PATH callback. Usually, it is an instance of the class
static void bounds(void *dat, int n, double *x, double *lb, double *ub)
Static wrapper for PATH::c_bounds. See PATH documentation for more.
- Parameters
dat – The data passed by the PATH callback. Usually, it is an instance of the class
n – Number of variables
x – Pointer to variables
lb – Lower bounds on variables
ub – Upper bounds on variables
Private Functions
int CreateLMCP(int n, int m_nnz, int m_i[], int m_j[], double m_ij[], double q[], double lb[], double ub[], double x[], double z[], int verbose, double timeLimit)
Internal method to create the linear mixed-complemetarity problem.
- Parameters
n – Number of x variables
m_nnz – Number of non-zeros in M
m_i – Row indexes for M non-zeros. Fortran style: start is 1 (not 0)
m_j – Column indexes for M non-zeros. Fortran style: start is 1 (not 0)
m_ij – The data in M corresponding to row
and columnm_j
q – The q vector
lb – Vector of lower bounds on x
ub – Vector of upper bounds on x
x – Output vector of x variables
z – Output vector of z equation values
verbose – True if PATH will be verbose
timeLimit – A double timelimit
- Returns
The PATH MCP_Termination code
void sort(int rows, int cols, int elements, int *row, int *col, double *data)
This function is from PATH. Sorts the data in M.
- Parameters
rows – Row count
cols – Column counts
elements – Element counts
row – Row data pointer
col – Column data pointer
data – M-data pointer
void C_problem_size(int *n, int *nnz)
Fills the problem size. See PATH documentation for more.
- Parameters
n – Number of variables
nnz – Number of non-zeros in M
void C_bounds(int n, double *z, double *lb, double *ub)
Assigns bounds to variables. See PATH documentation for more.
- Parameters
n – Number of variables
x – Pointer to variables
lb – Lower bounds on variables
ub – Upper bounds on variables
int C_function_evaluation(int n, double *x, double *f)
Static wrapper for PATH::c_function_evaluation. See PATH documentation for more.
- Parameters
n – Number of variables
x – Vector of variables for the lcp. Here we call them
f – The output object for the function value
- Returns
Unused. This is a callback function
int C_jacobian_evaluation(int n, double *x, int wantf, double *f, int *nnz, int *col_start, int *col_len, int *row, double *data)
Evaluates the jacobian at a given point. Eventually, returns the value of the complementarity. See PATH documentation for more.
- Parameters
n – Number of variables
x – Vector of variables for the lcp. Here we call them
wantf – True (positive) if the function value is needed
f – The output object for the function value
nnz – Number of non-zeros
col_start – Column start vector
col_len – Column length vector
row – Row vector
data – M_Data vector
- Returns
Unused. This is a callback function
Private Members
ZEROStatus status = ZEROStatus::Numerical
Status for the solver’ instance.
bool Filled
Boolean controlling instance’s filling.
PATHProblem Problem
MCP_Interface PATH_Interface = {this, reinterpret_cast<void (*)(void*, int*, int*)>(this->problem_size), reinterpret_cast<void (*)(void*, int, double*, double*, double*)>(this->bounds), reinterpret_cast<int (*)(void*, int, double*, double*)>(&this->function_evaluation), reinterpret_cast<int (*)(void*, int, double*, int, double*, int*, int*, int*, int*, double*)>(&this->jacobian_evaluation), static_cast<void (*)(void*)>(this->start), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}
The MCP_Interface initializer. See PATH documentation for more.
struct PATHProblem
This struct manages an LCP where each complementarity is given by \(x \perp z=(Mx+q)\).
Public Members
int n
Number of x variables, namely complementarities.
int nnz
Number of non-zeros in M.
double *x
Pointer to x values.
double *lb
n-dimensional array of lower bounds
double *ub
n-dimensional array of upper bounds
int *m_start
Fortran like start of M.
int *m_len
Fortran like length of M.
int *m_row
Fortran like row of M.
double *m_data
Fortran like data of M.
double *q
q vector
int n
PATH() = delete