Struct FollPar

Struct Documentation

struct FollPar

Stores the parameters of the follower in a country model.

Public Functions

inline FollPar(std::vector<double> costs_quad_ = {}, std::vector<double> costs_lin_ = {}, std::vector<double> capacities_ = {}, std::vector<double> emission_costs_ = {}, std::vector<double> tax_caps_ = {}, std::vector<std::string> names_ = {})

Public Members

std::vector<double> costs_quad = {}

Quadratic coefficient of i-th follower’s cost. Size of this std::vector should be equal to n_followers.

std::vector<double> costs_lin = {}

Linear coefficient of i-th follower’s cost. Size of this std::vector should be equal to n_followers.

std::vector<double> capacities = {}

Production capacity of each follower. Size of this std::vector should be equal to n_followers.

std::vector<double> emission_costs = {}

Emission costs for unit quantity of the fuel. Emission costs feature only on the leader’s problem.

std::vector<double> tax_caps = {}

Individual tax caps for each follower.

std::vector<std::string> names = {}

Optional Names for the Followers.