Class Algorithm

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class Algorithm

Subclassed by Algorithms::IPG::CutAndPlay, Algorithms::IPG::ZERORegrets

Public Functions

virtual void solve() = 0

A method to solve IPGs.

virtual bool isSolved() const = 0

A method to check whether the IPG is solved or not, given a numerical tolerance.

virtual bool isPureStrategy() const = 0

A method to check whether the IPG solution is a pure equilibrium or not, given a numerical tolerance.

inline double getTol() const
inline void setTol(double tol)
inline Algorithm(GRBEnv *env, Game::IPG *IPGObj)

Protected Attributes

Game::IPG *IPG

This abstract class is the base type that every algorithm inherits.

GRBEnv *Env
bool Solved = {false}

True if the IPG has been solved.

bool Pure = {false}

True if all the players are playing a pure strategy.

bool Infeasible = {false}

True if the game is infeasible.

double Tolerance = 1e-6

The numeric tolerance.