Struct OuterTree::Node

Nested Relationships

This struct is a nested type of Class OuterTree.

Struct Documentation

struct Node

Public Functions

explicit Node(unsigned int encSize)

Constructor for the root node, given the encoding size, namely the number of complementarity equations.


encSize – The number of complementarities

Node(Node &parent, unsigned int idComp, unsigned long int id)

Given the parent node address parent, the idComp to branch on, and the id, creates a new node.

  • parent – The parent node

  • idComp – The id of the node

  • id – The The branching candidate

Node(Node &parent, std::vector<int> idComps, unsigned long int id)

Given the parent node address parent, the idsComp to branch on (containing all the complementarities ids), and the id, creates a new node.

  • parent – The parent node pointer

  • idsComp – The vector of branching locations

  • id – The node id for the children

inline unsigned long int getCumulativeBranches() const

Returns the number of variables that cannot be candidate for the branching decisions, namely the ones on which a branching decision has already been taken, or for which the resulting child node is infeasible.


The number of unsuitable branching candidates

inline std::vector<bool> getEncoding() const

Getter method for the encoding.

inline std::vector<bool> getAllowedBranchings() const

Getter method for the allowed branchings.

Private Members

std::vector<unsigned int> IdComps

Contains the branching decisions taken at the node.

std::vector<bool> Encoding

An encoding of bool. True if the complementarity condition is included in the current node outer approximation, false otherwise.

std::vector<bool> AllowedBranchings

A vector where true means that the corresponding complementarity is a candidate for branching at the current node

unsigned long int Id

A long int giving the numerical identifier for the node.

Node *Parent = {}

A pointer to the parent node.


friend class OuterTree