Class LCP
Defined in File lcp.h
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Type
public MathOpt::PolyLCP
(Class PolyLCP)
Class Documentation
class LCP
This class manages and solves linear complementarity problems (LCPs). Let \(M\) be a matrix, \(q\) a vector with as many elements as the number of rows of \(M\). The associated LCP problem is to find.
\[ z=Mx+q \qquad x^\top z = 0 \]Possibly, there can be additional side constraints in the form of\[ Ax \leq b\]This class has is the base class of MathOpt::PolyLCP, which manages the polyhedral aspect of the problem.Subclassed by MathOpt::PolyLCP
Public Functions
LCP() = delete
No default constructor.
inline explicit LCP(GRBEnv *e)
A base constructor that does not initialize most of objects. This is useful when loading from a file
- Parameters
e – The Gurobi environment
LCP(GRBEnv *env, arma::sp_mat &M, arma::vec &q, unsigned long int leadStart, unsigned leadEnd, arma::sp_mat &A, arma::vec &b)
A constructor for LCPs where some variables are subject to complementarities. This is useful, for instance, for Stackelberg games.
LCP(GRBEnv *env, arma::sp_mat &M, arma::vec &q, perps &Compl, arma::sp_mat &A, arma::vec &b)
A standard constructor for an LCP.
LCP(GRBEnv *env, const Game::NashGame &N)
Constructor given a Game::NashGame.
Given a NashGame, computes the KKT of the lower levels, and makes the appropriate LCP object. This constructor is the most suited for high-level usage.
- Parameters
env – The Gurobi environment pointer
N – The Game::NashGame
~LCP() = default
Destructor - to delete the objects created with new operator
inline unsigned long int getNumberLeader() const
Read-only access to LCP::NumberLeader.
inline const unsigned long int getLStart() const
Read-only access to LCP::LeadStart.
- Returns
inline const unsigned long int getLEnd() const
Read-only access to LCP::LeadEnd.
- Returns
inline perps getCompl() const
Read-only access to LCP::Compl.
- Returns
inline bool hasCommonConstraints() const
bool extractSols(GRBModel *model, arma::vec &z, arma::vec &x, bool extractZ = false) const
A method to check whether LCP::A has any non-zero, namely any constraints.
Extracts variable and equation values from a solved Gurobi model.
- Parameters
model – The Gurobi Model that was solved
z – Output variable for Z equation values
x – Output variable for X variable values
extractZ – Should the method extract Z values or not
- Returns
true if the model was solved. False otherwise.
ZEROStatus solve(Data::LCP::Algorithms algo, arma::vec &xSol, arma::vec &zSol, double timeLimit, unsigned long int threads, double &objective, unsigned long int solLimit = 1)
This method is the generic wrapper to solve the LCP.
- Parameters
algo – The Data::LCP::Algorithms used to solve the LCP
xSol – The resulting solution for z, if any. If the vector is filled, it will be seeded as a warmstart if Data::LCP::Algorithms::MIP
zSol – The resulting solution for z, if any. If the vector is filled, it will be seeded as a warmstart if Data::LCP::Algorithms::MIP
timeLimit – A double time limit
threads – The absolute number of threads in case
is Data::LCP::Algorithms::MIPsolLimit – The number of solutions in the pool for if
is Data::LCP::Algorithms::MIPcutOff – Bounds the optima solution to be >= than a given threshold. Used if different from -GRB_INFINITY. As output, the object will be filled with the incumbent optimal value
- Returns
A ZEROStatus for the problem
std::unique_ptr<GRBModel> LCPasMIP(bool solve = false, double timeLimit = -1, unsigned long int threads = 1, unsigned long int solLimit = 1)
Solves the LCP as a Mixed-Integer Program. Note that the returned model is either a MIP or a MINLP, depending on the class’ LCP::PureMIP boolean switch. In the first case, complementarities are modeled through SOS1 or indicator constraints. Otherwise, there is bi-linear term for each complementarity.
- Parameters
solve – Determines whether the returned model is already solved or not
timeLimit – Sets the timeLimit for the MIP solver
threads – Sets the number of threads
solLimit – Sets the number of solutions in the pool
- Returns
The unique pointer to the model
std::unique_ptr<GRBModel> LCPasMILP(const arma::sp_mat &C, const arma::vec &c, const arma::vec &x_minus_i, bool solve = false)
This method returns an unique pointer to the Gurobi model where the objective is the one of a specific player. In particular, given by the parameter C, c, x_minus_i are fixed and then the objective is linear (MILP).
If LCP::PureMIP is false, then the model has a linear objective and bi-linear constraints. Hence, is not a MILP
- Parameters
C – The interaction term for a given player
c – The linear term for a given player
x_minus_i – The strategies of other players
solve – True if the returned model is solved
- Returns
The unique pointer to the model
std::unique_ptr<GRBModel> LCPasMIQP(const arma::sp_mat &Q, const arma::sp_mat &C, const arma::vec &c, const arma::vec &x_minus_i, bool solve = false)
This method returns an unique pointer to the Gurobi model where the objective is the one of a specific player. In particular, given by the parameter C, c, x_minus_i are fixed and then the objective is quadratic (MIQP)
If LCP::PureMIP is false, then the model has a quadratic objective and bi-linear constraints
- Parameters
Q – The quadratic term for a given player
C – The interaction term for a given player
c – The linear term for a given player
x_minus_i – The strategies of other players
solve – True if the returned model is solved
- Returns
The unique pointer to the model
ZEROStatus solvePATH(double timelimit, arma::vec &x, arma::vec &z, bool verbose = true)
Solves the LCP with Solvers::PATH.
- Parameters
timelimit – A double time limit on the solving process
z – The resulting solution for z, if any
x – The resulting solution for x, if any
verbose – True if PATH will be verbose
- Returns
The ZEROStatus of the model
void save(const std::string &filename, bool erase = true) const
Saves the LCP into a file.
- Parameters
filename – The filename
erase – Whether the file should be cleaned or not
long int load(const std::string &filename, long int pos = 0)
This method load the LCP object from a file.
virtual void makeQP(MathOpt::QP_Objective &QP_obj, MathOpt::QP_Param &QP)
This method create the convex-hull of the feasible (approximated) region for the LCP, and puts it into a MathOpt::QP_Param object. In addition, it transform the given input objective function by adding additional zero elements to it, to fit the number of variables in the quadratic program.
- Parameters
QP_obj – The input/output MathOpt::QP_Param objective
QP – The output MathOpt::QP_Param
void addCustomCuts(const arma::sp_mat &A, const arma::vec &b)
Adds custom cuts defined in the input to the LCP::A and LCP::b objects.
- Parameters
A_in – The LHS of the added cuts
b_in – The RHS of the added cuts note This method does not check whether such cuts are already in the LCP.
bool containsCut(const arma::vec &LHS, const double RHS, double tol = 1e-5)
Given the cut, the method checks whether there is already one (up to a numerical tolerance) in the LCP.
- Parameters
A_in – The LHS of the cut
b_in – The RHS of the cut
tol – The numerical tolerance
- Returns
True if the cut is already present, false otherwise.
arma::vec zFromX(const arma::vec &x)
Given a value for the variables, it returns the values of z.
- Parameters
x – The x-values vector
- Returns
The z-values vector
void processBounds()
Processes the bounds of BoundsX and removes any complementarity that is useless (e.g., variable is fixed). After processing, it calls back LCP::defConst to re-initializes the private attributes.
bool setMIPLinearObjective(const arma::vec &c)
Given the linear vector x
, sets the linear objective for the MIP reformulation of the LCP.- Parameters
c – Linear vector for the primal variables
- Returns
True if successful
bool setMIPQuadraticObjective(const arma::vec &c, const arma::sp_mat &Q)
Given the linear vector and quadratic matrix
, sets the quadratic objective for the MIP reformulation of the LCP.- Parameters
c – Linear vector for the primal variables
Q – Square matrix for the primal variables
- Returns
True if successful
bool setMIPFeasibilityObjective()
Public Members
double Eps = {1e-6}
The threshold for optimality and feasability tolerances.
Protected Functions
void defConst(GRBEnv *env)
Assigns default values to the class’ LCP attributes.
Internal member that can be called from multiple constructors to assign default values to some attributes of the class.
- Parameters
env – The Gurobi environment pointer
void makeRelaxed()
Makes a Gurobi object that relaxes complementarity constraints in the LCP.
The field LCP::RelaxedModel stores the relaxed version of the problem
void setMIPObjective(GRBModel &convexModel)
Given the MIP model in
, sets the objective according to the one given by MathOpt::LCP::setMIPQuadraticObjective or MathOpt::LCP::setMIPLinearObjective.- Parameters
MIP – The MIP model
std::unique_ptr<GRBModel> getMIP(bool indicators = false)
Gets the MIP model associated with the LCP, where complementarities are modeled with with SOS-1 constraints if
is false, with indicator constraints otherwise.- Parameters
indicators – If true, SOS-1 formulation will be used for each complementarity. Otherwise, indicator constraints will be used
- Returns
The Gurobi pointer to the model
Protected Attributes
GRBEnv *Env = {}
A pointer to the Gurobi Env.
unsigned int ObjType = 0
Type of the objective for MIP/MINLP. 0 is feasibility, 1 linear, 2 quadratic.
bool MadeObjective = false
True if the objective has been updated.
perps Compl
Compl dictates which equation (row in M) is complementary to which variable (column in M). The object is in a <Eqn, Var> form.
unsigned long int LeadStart = {1}
Starting leader location.
unsigned long int LeadEnd = {0}
Ending leader location.
unsigned long int NumberLeader = {0}
Number of leaders.
bool PureMIP = true
True if the LCP is modelled via a pure MIP with SOS1 (or indicator) constraints. Otherwise, a MINLP introduces a bilinear term for each complementarity.
arma::sp_mat A = {}
The additional constraint matrix A to the problem, in the form \(Ax \leq b\).
arma::vec b = {}
The additional constraint RHSs b to the problem, in the form \(Ax \leq b\).
bool MadeRlxdModel = {false}
True if a relaxed model has been already initialized.
unsigned long int nR = {}
The number of rows in the matrix M.
unsigned long int nC = {}
The number of columns in the matrix M.
VariableBounds BoundsX
Stores non-trivial upper and lower bounds on x variables in as a tuple (j,k) where j the lower bound, and k the upper bound. Usually, j is initialized to 0, while k to -1 (meaning inactive upepr bound)
GRBModel RelaxedModel
A Gurobi model without complementarities.
LCP() = delete