Program Listing for File nash.cpp

Return to documentation for file (src/games/nash.cpp)

/* #############################################
 *             This file is part of
 *                    ZERO
 *             Copyright (c) 2020
 *     Released under the Creative Commons
 *         CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
 *              Find out more at
 * #############################################*/

#include "games/nash.h"

Game::NashGame::NashGame(GRBEnv *                                               e,
                                 const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<MathOpt::MP_Param>> &players,
                                 arma::sp_mat                                           MC,
                                 arma::vec                                              MCRHS,
                                 unsigned int                                           nLeadVar,
                                 arma::sp_mat                                           leadA,
                                 arma::vec                                              leadRHS)
     : Env{e}, LeaderConstraints{leadA}, LeaderConstraintsRHS{leadRHS} {
  // Setting the class variables
  this->numLeaderVar   = nLeadVar;
  this->NumPlayers     = players.size();
  this->Players        = players;
  this->MarketClearing = MC;
  this->MCRHS          = MCRHS;
  // Setting the size of class variable std::vectors
  this->PrimalPosition.resize(this->NumPlayers + 1);
  this->DualPosition.resize(this->NumPlayers + 1);

Game::NashGame::NashGame(const NashGame &N)
     : Env{N.Env}, LeaderConstraints{N.LeaderConstraints},
        LeaderConstraintsRHS{N.LeaderConstraintsRHS}, NumPlayers{N.NumPlayers}, Players{N.Players},
        MarketClearing{N.MarketClearing}, MCRHS{N.MCRHS},
        numLeaderVar{N.numLeaderVar}, Bounds{N.Bounds} {
  // Setting the size of class variable std::vectors
  this->PrimalPosition.resize(this->NumPlayers + 1);
  this->DualPosition.resize(this->NumPlayers + 1);

void Game::NashGame::save(const std::string &filename, bool erase) const {
  Utils::appendSave(std::string("NashGame"), filename, erase);
  Utils::appendSave(this->NumPlayers, filename, std::string("NashGame::NumPlayers"), false);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->NumPlayers; ++i)
     this->>save(filename, false);
  Utils::appendSave(this->MarketClearing, filename, std::string("NashGame::MarketClearing"), false);
  Utils::appendSave(this->MCRHS, filename, std::string("NashGame::MCRHS"), false);
        this->LeaderConstraints, filename, std::string("NashGame::LeaderConstraints"), false);
        this->LeaderConstraintsRHS, filename, std::string("NashGame::LeaderConstraintsRHS"), false);
  Utils::appendSave(this->numLeaderVar, filename, std::string("NashGame::numLeaderVar"), false);

long int Game::NashGame::load(const std::string &filename, long int pos) {

  if (!this->Env)
     throw ZEROException(ZEROErrorCode::Assertion, "The solver environment is empty.");
  std::string headercheck;
  pos = Utils::appendRead(headercheck, filename, pos);
  if (headercheck != "NashGame")
     throw ZEROException(ZEROErrorCode::IOError, "File header is invalid");
  unsigned int numPlayersLocal = 0;
  pos = Utils::appendRead(numPlayersLocal, filename, pos, std::string("NashGame::NumPlayers"));
  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<MathOpt::MP_Param>> players;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numPlayersLocal; ++i) {
     // = std::make_shared<MathOpt::MP_Param>(this->Env);
     headercheck = "";
     Utils::appendRead(headercheck, filename, pos);
     if (headercheck == "QP_Param") {
        auto temp     = std::shared_ptr<MathOpt::QP_Param>(new MathOpt::QP_Param(this->Env));
        pos           = temp->load(filename, pos);
        auto m        = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MathOpt::MP_Param>(temp); = temp;
     } else if (headercheck == "IP_Param") {
        auto temp     = std::shared_ptr<MathOpt::IP_Param>(new MathOpt::IP_Param(this->Env));
        pos           = temp->load(filename, pos);
        auto m        = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MathOpt::MP_Param>(temp); = temp;
  arma::sp_mat marketClearing;
  pos = Utils::appendRead(marketClearing, filename, pos, std::string("NashGame::MarketClearing"));
  arma::vec mcrhs;
  pos = Utils::appendRead(mcrhs, filename, pos, std::string("NashGame::MCRHS"));
  arma::sp_mat leaderConstraints;
  pos = Utils::appendRead(
        leaderConstraints, filename, pos, std::string("NashGame::LeaderConstraints"));
  arma::vec leaderConsRHS;
  pos = Utils::appendRead(
        leaderConsRHS, filename, pos, std::string("NashGame::LeaderConstraintsRHS"));
  unsigned int numLeadConstraints = 0;
  pos = Utils::appendRead(numLeadConstraints, filename, pos, std::string("NashGame::numLeaderVar"));
  // Setting the class variables
  this->numLeaderVar   = numLeadConstraints;
  this->Players        = players;
  this->NumPlayers     = numPlayersLocal;
  this->MarketClearing = marketClearing;
  this->MCRHS          = mcrhs;
  // Setting the size of class variable std::vectors
  this->PrimalPosition.resize(this->NumPlayers + 1);
  this->DualPosition.resize(this->NumPlayers + 1);
  return pos;

void Game::NashGame::setPositions()

  // Defining the variable value
  unsigned int prCnt{0}, dlCnt{0}; // Temporary variables - primal count and dual count
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NumPlayers; i++) { = prCnt;
     prCnt +=>getNumVars();

  // Pushing back the end of primal position = (prCnt);
  dlCnt                         = prCnt; // From now on, the space is for dual variables.
  this->MC_DualPosition         = dlCnt;
  this->LeaderPosition          = dlCnt + MCRHS.n_rows;
  dlCnt += (MCRHS.n_rows + numLeaderVar);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NumPlayers; i++) { = dlCnt;
     dlCnt +=>getb().n_rows;
  // Pushing back the end of dual position = (dlCnt);

  // Set bounds on primal variables
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NumPlayers; i++) {
     for (auto theBound : this->>getBounds())
        this->Bounds.push_back({theBound.first, theBound.second});
const Game::NashGame &Game::NashGame::formulateLCP(arma::sp_mat &     M,
                                                                    arma::vec &        q,
                                                                    perps &            Compl,
                                                                    VariableBounds &   OutBounds,
                                                                    bool               writeToFile,
                                                                    const std::string &M_name,
                                                                    const std::string &q_name) const {

  // To store the individual KKT conditions for each player.
  std::vector<arma::sp_mat> Mi(NumPlayers), Ni(NumPlayers);
  std::vector<arma::vec>    qi(NumPlayers);

  unsigned int numVarFollow{0}, numVarLead{0};
  numVarLead = this->DualPosition.back(); // Number of Leader variables (all variables)
  // Below is not strictly the follower variables,
  // But the count of set of variables which don't have
  // a matching complementarity eqn
  numVarFollow = numVarLead - this->numLeaderVar;
  M.zeros(numVarFollow, numVarLead);
  // Get the KKT conditions for each player

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NumPlayers; i++) {
     this->Players[i]->KKT(Mi[i], Ni[i], qi[i]);
     unsigned int numPrim, numDual;
     numPrim = this->Players[i]->getNumVars();
     numDual = this->Players[i]->getb(true).n_rows;
     // Adding the primal equations
     // Region 1 in Formulate LCP.ipe
     LOG_S(3) << "Game::NashGame::formulateLCP: Region 1";
     if (i > 0) { // For the first player, no need to add anything 'before' 0-th
        // position
                    this-> + 1) - 1,
                    this-> - 1) =
             Ni[i].submat(0, 0, numPrim - 1, this-> - 1);
     // Region 2 in Formulate LCP.ipe
     LOG_S(3) << "Game::NashGame::formulateLCP: Region 2";
                 this-> + 1) - 1,
                 this-> + 1) - 1) = Mi[i].submat(0, 0, numPrim - 1, numPrim - 1);
     // Region 3 in Formulate LCP.ipe
     LOG_S(3) << "Game::NashGame::formulateLCP: Region 3";
     if (this-> + 1) != this-> {
                    this-> + 1),
                    this-> + 1) - 1,
                    this-> - 1) =
             Ni[i].submat(0, this->, numPrim - 1, Ni[i].n_cols - 1);
     // Region 4 in Formulate LCP.ipe
     LOG_S(3) << "Game::NashGame::formulateLCP: Region 4";
     if (this-> != this-> + 1)) {
                    this-> + 1) - 1,
                    this-> + 1) - 1) =
             Mi[i].submat(0, numPrim, numPrim - 1, numPrim + numDual - 1);
     // RHS
     LOG_S(3) << "Game::NashGame::formulateLCP: Region RHS";
     q.subvec(this->, this-> + 1) - 1) =
          qi[i].subvec(0, numPrim - 1);
     for (unsigned int j = this->; j < this-> + 1); j++)
        Compl.push_back({j, j});
     // Adding the dual equations
     // Region 5 in Formulate LCP.ipe
     LOG_S(3) << "Game::NashGame::formulateLCP: Region 5";
     if (numDual > 0) {
        if (i > 0) // For the first player, no need to add anything 'before' 0-th
          // position
          M.submat(this-> - numLeaderVar,
                      this-> + 1) - numLeaderVar - 1,
                      this-> - 1) =
                Ni[i].submat(numPrim, 0, Ni[i].n_rows - 1, this-> - 1);
        // Region 6 in Formulate LCP.ipe
        LOG_S(3) << "Game::NashGame::formulateLCP: Region 6";
        M.submat(this-> - numLeaderVar,
                    this-> + 1) - numLeaderVar - 1,
                    this-> + 1) - 1) =
             Mi[i].submat(numPrim, 0, numPrim + numDual - 1, numPrim - 1);
        // Region 7 in Formulate LCP.ipe
        LOG_S(3) << "Game::NashGame::formulateLCP: Region 7";
        if (this-> != this-> + 1)) {
          M.submat(this-> - numLeaderVar,
                      this-> + 1),
                      this-> + 1) - numLeaderVar - 1,
                      this-> - 1) =
                Ni[i].submat(numPrim, this->, Ni[i].n_rows - 1, Ni[i].n_cols - 1);
        // Region 8 in Formulate LCP.ipe
        LOG_S(3) << "Game::NashGame::formulateLCP: Region 8";
        M.submat(this-> - numLeaderVar,
                    this-> + 1) - numLeaderVar - 1,
                    this-> + 1) - 1) =
             Mi[i].submat(numPrim, numPrim, numPrim + numDual - 1, numPrim + numDual - 1);
        // RHS
        LOG_S(3) << "Game::NashGame::formulateLCP: Region RHS";
        q.subvec(this-> - numLeaderVar,
                    this-> + 1) - numLeaderVar - 1) =
             qi[i].subvec(numPrim, qi[i].n_rows - 1);
        for (unsigned int j = this-> - numLeaderVar;
              j < this-> + 1) - numLeaderVar;
          Compl.push_back({j, j + numLeaderVar});
  LOG_S(3) << "Game::NashGame::formulateLCP: MC RHS";
  if (this->MCRHS.n_elem >= 1) // It is possible that it is a Cournot game and
                                         // there are no MC conditions!
     M.submat(this->MC_DualPosition, 0, this->LeaderPosition - 1, this-> - 1) =
     q.subvec(this->MC_DualPosition, this->LeaderPosition - 1) = -this->MCRHS;
     for (unsigned int j = this->MC_DualPosition; j < this->LeaderPosition; j++)
        Compl.push_back({j, j});
  if (writeToFile) {, arma::coord_ascii);, arma::arma_ascii);
  OutBounds = this->Bounds;
  return *this;

arma::sp_mat Game::NashGame::rewriteLeadCons() const {
  arma::sp_mat A_in = this->LeaderConstraints;
  arma::sp_mat A_out_expl, A_out_MC, A_out;
  unsigned int NvarLead{0};
  NvarLead = this->DualPosition.back(); // Number of Leader variables (all variables)
  // NvarFollow = NvarLead - this->numLeaderVar;

  unsigned int n_Row, n_Col;
  n_Row = A_in.n_rows;
  n_Col = A_in.n_cols;
  A_out_expl.zeros(n_Row, NvarLead);
  A_out_MC.zeros(2 * this->MarketClearing.n_rows, NvarLead);

  try {
     if (A_in.n_rows) {
        // Primal variables i.e., everything before MCduals are the same!
        A_out_expl.cols(0, this->MC_DualPosition - 1) = A_in.cols(0, this->MC_DualPosition - 1);
        A_out_expl.cols(this->LeaderPosition, this-> - 1) =
             A_in.cols(this->MC_DualPosition, n_Col - 1);
     if (this->MCRHS.n_rows) {
        // MC constraints can be written as if they are leader constraints
        A_out_MC.submat(0, 0, this->MCRHS.n_rows - 1, this-> - 1) =
             this->MCRHS.n_rows, 0, 2 * this->MCRHS.n_rows - 1, this-> - 1) =
     return arma::join_cols(A_out_expl, A_out_MC);
  } catch (...) {
     throw ZEROException(ZEROErrorCode::Numeric, "Error in manipulating data structures");

Game::NashGame &Game::NashGame::addDummy(unsigned int par, int position) {
  for (auto &q : this->Players)
     q->addDummy(par, 0, position);

  this->numLeaderVar += par;
  if (this->LeaderConstraints.n_rows) {
     auto nnR = this->LeaderConstraints.n_rows;
     auto nnC = this->LeaderConstraints.n_cols;
     switch (position) {
     case -1:
        this->LeaderConstraints = Utils::resizePatch(this->LeaderConstraints, nnR, nnC + par);
     case 0:
        this->LeaderConstraints =
             arma::join_rows(arma::zeros<arma::sp_mat>(nnR, par), this->LeaderConstraints);
        arma::sp_mat lC = arma::join_rows(LeaderConstraints.cols(0, position - 1),
                                                     arma::zeros<arma::sp_mat>(nnR, par));

        this->LeaderConstraints = arma::join_rows(lC, LeaderConstraints.cols(position, nnC - 1));
  if (this->MarketClearing.n_rows) {
     auto nnR = this->MarketClearing.n_rows;
     auto nnC = this->MarketClearing.n_cols;
     if (position == -1)
        this->MarketClearing = Utils::resizePatch(this->MarketClearing, nnR, nnC + par);
        LOG_S(ERROR) << "addDummy at non-final position not implemented";
  return *this;

Game::NashGame &Game::NashGame::addLeadCons(const arma::vec &a, double b) {
  auto nC = this->LeaderConstraints.n_cols;
  if (a.n_elem != nC)
     throw ZEROException(ZEROErrorCode::Assertion,
                                "The number of constraints is not valid: " + std::to_string(a.n_elem) +
                                     std::string(" != ") + std::to_string(nC));
  auto nR                 = this->LeaderConstraints.n_rows;
  this->LeaderConstraints = Utils::resizePatch(this->LeaderConstraints, nR + 1, nC);
  // (static_cast<arma::mat>(a)).t();   // Apparently this is not reqd! a.t()
  // already works in newer versions of armadillo
  LeaderConstraints.row(nR)      = a.t();
  this->LeaderConstraintsRHS     = Utils::resizePatch(this->LeaderConstraintsRHS, nR + 1);
  this->LeaderConstraintsRHS(nR) = b;
  return *this;

void Game::NashGame::write(const std::string &filename, bool append, bool KKT) const {
  std::ofstream file; + ".nash", append ? arma::ios::app : arma::ios::out);
  file << *this;
  file << "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n";
  file << "\nLeaderConstraints: " << this->LeaderConstraints;
  file << "\nLeaderConstraintsRHS\n" << this->LeaderConstraintsRHS;
  file << "\nMarketClearing: " << this->MarketClearing;
  file << "\nMCRHS\n" << this->MCRHS;


  // this->"_LeaderConstraints.txt",
  // arma::file_type::arma_ascii);
  // this->"_LeaderConsRHS.txt",
  // arma::file_type::arma_ascii);
  // this->"_MarketClearing.txt",
  // arma::file_type::arma_ascii); this->"_MCRHS.txt",
  // arma::file_type::arma_ascii);

  int count{0};
  for (const auto &pl : this->Players) {
     // pl->MP_Param::write(filename+"_Players_"+to_string(count++), append);
     file << "--------------------------------------------------\n"; + ".nash", arma::ios::app);
     file << "\n\n\n\n PLAYER " << count++ << "\n\n";
     pl->MP_Param::save(filename + ".nash", true);
  } + ".nash", arma::ios::app);
  file << "--------------------------------------------------\n";
  file << "\nPrimal Positions:\t";
  for (const auto pos : PrimalPosition)
     file << pos << "  ";
  file << "\nDual Positions:\t";
  for (const auto pos : DualPosition)
     file << pos << "  ";
  file << "\nMC dual position:\t" << this->MC_DualPosition;
  file << "\nLeader position:\t" << this->LeaderPosition;
  file << "\nnumberLeader:\t" << this->numLeaderVar;

  if (KKT) {
     arma::sp_mat   M;
     arma::vec      q;
     VariableBounds Bnds;
     perps          Compl;
     this->formulateLCP(M, q, Compl, Bnds);
     file << "\n\n\n KKT CONDITIONS - LCP\n";
     file << "\nM: " << M;
     file << "\nq:\n" << q;
     file << "\n Complementarities:\n";
     for (const auto &p : Compl)
        file << "<" << p.first << ", " << p.second << ">"
              << "\t";
     file << "\n BoundsX:\n";
     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->Bounds.size(); ++i) {
        file << i << ": [" << this-> << ", " << this-> << "]"
              << "\n";

  file << "\n\n\n";

Game::NashGame::respond(unsigned int player, const arma::vec &x, bool fullvec) const {
  arma::vec    solOther;
  unsigned int nVar{this->getNprimals() + this->getNumShadow() + this->getNumLeaderVars()};
  unsigned int nStart, nEnd;
  nStart = this->; // Start of the player-th player's primals
  nEnd   = this-> +
                                 1); // Start of the player+1-th player's primals or LeaderVrs if
  // player is the last player.
  if (fullvec) {
     solOther.zeros(nVar - nEnd + nStart);
     if (nStart > 0)
        solOther.subvec(0, nStart - 1) = x.subvec(0, nStart - 1);
     if (nEnd < nVar)
        solOther.subvec(nStart, nVar + nStart - nEnd - 1) =
                         nVar - 1); // Discard any dual variables in x
  } else {
     solOther.zeros(nVar - nEnd + nStart);
     solOther = x.subvec(0, nVar - nEnd + nStart - 1); // Discard any dual variables in x

  return this->>solveFixed(solOther, true);

double Game::NashGame::respondSol(arma::vec &      sol,
                                             unsigned int     player,
                                             const arma::vec &x,
                                             bool             fullvec) const {
  auto model = this->respond(player, x, fullvec);
  // Check if the model is solved optimally
  const int status = model->get(GRB_IntAttr_Status);
  if (status == GRB_OPTIMAL) {
     unsigned int Nx = this-> + 1) - this->;
     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Nx; ++i) = model->getVarByName("y_" + std::to_string(i)).get(GRB_DoubleAttr_X);

     return model->get(GRB_DoubleAttr_ObjVal);
  } else
     return GRB_INFINITY;

arma::vec Game::NashGame::computeQPObjectiveValues(const arma::vec &x, bool checkFeas) const {
  arma::vec vals;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->NumPlayers; ++i) {
     unsigned int nVar{this->getNprimals() + this->getNumShadow() + this->getNumLeaderVars()};
     unsigned int nStart, nEnd;
     nStart = this->;
     nEnd   = this-> + 1);

     arma::vec x_i, x_minus_i;

     x_minus_i.zeros(nVar - nEnd + nStart);
     if (nStart > 0) {
        x_minus_i.subvec(0, nStart - 1) = x.subvec(0, nStart - 1);
     if (nEnd < nVar) {
        x_minus_i.subvec(nStart, nVar + nStart - nEnd - 1) =
             x.subvec(nEnd, nVar - 1); // Discard any dual variables in x

     x_i = x.subvec(nStart, nEnd - 1); = this->>computeObjective(x_i, x_minus_i, checkFeas);

  return vals;

bool Game::NashGame::isSolved(const arma::vec &sol,
                                        unsigned int &   violPlayer,
                                        arma::vec &      violSol,
                                        double           tol) const {

  arma::vec objvals = this->computeQPObjectiveValues(sol, true);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->NumPlayers; ++i) {
     double val = this->respondSol(violSol, i, sol, true);
     if (val == GRB_INFINITY)
        return false;
     if (!Utils::isEqual(val,, tol)) {
        violPlayer = i;
        return false;
  return true;